Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Welcome back

I am back from my seemingly everlasting maternity leave/computer meltdown. I now have a working computer & two boys. I believe as of my last post I had a computer teetering on the edge of death and only 1 son. Kolter Gauge Burnside is healthy, fat & so happy.
Killian's allergies are news-worthy. His milk and egg allergies are almost non-existent according to the allergist's blood tests. His egg decreased from about 1.5 to .54 and his milk was at .98 at one year old and down to .49 at his two year appointment. Which means he is in the mild/sensitive category for those two. Unfortunately his peanut went from what we assumed was 0 to a whopping 7.74! Yuck. He is likely to have an anaphylactic reaction if he happens to ingest peanuts or peanut products. On the bright side we have made the family transition to almond butter to replace peanut butter and we all love it.
We remain hopeful for a cure and/or that he will outgrow allergies. Our allergist did say he expects a peanut allergy cure to be readily available in 5-10 years, as Duke University and others are having raging success curing food allergies through very slowly introducing tiny amounts of the known allergen into the system.
I'll try to continue to update this page with the lastest in allergy news, allergy-friendly recipes, short cuts, time savers etc. Thanks for reading!

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