So I have accomplished a lot but I am not done with my list yet. Since I only have until Sunday I better get crackin' on my bi-annual cleaning spree! Here is my original list:
- Check all smoke detectors.
- Replace fridge's water filter.
- Clean out kitchen cabinets. Donate what's unlikely to be eaten and rarely used small appliances.
- Move and clean behind stove and fridge.
- Clean all interior windows.
- Clean all exterior windows. (YIKES!)
- Get carpets professionally cleaned.
- Dust all light fixtures and replace at least 1 bulb in each room with a CFL.
- Get yard ready for winter *directions to follow* including getting all toys boxed up and inside.
- Clean baseboards!
- Reclean all interior windows and make Killian stop licking them.
- Schedule carpet cleaner
- Replace fridge's water filter.
- Organize kitchen cabinets. Collect unused appliances and give as Christmas present to poor, unemployed brother.
- Clean behind stove. (Did the fridge!)
- Finish the light fixture cleaning.
- Clean baseboards!
As for the exterior windows, they were really not that hard to clean. I fear no ladder so I just climbed up with a bucket of soapy water, a squeegee from Bed, Bath & Beyond, a few dry rags and Windex. For detailed instructions post a comment and I'll get them to you. It was actually kind of fun playing with a bucket of soapy water on a nice warm and sunshiney day. Of course there was a storm that same week so all my work was for naught. Such is the life of an overly ambitious housewife!
I am now down to a few very manageable tasks that are all under the 20 minute range. If I could make myself do them instead of reading a new novel every spare minute...